Political pressure is exerted in many countries to feces agricultural
and environmental research on market-driven applications, rather than
on basic research. This can become a real problem because our expertis
e needs to be continuously fed with new ideas originating from basic r
esearch. Rather than rigidly oppose the trend, we advocate research pr
ocedures where applied and basic research logically fit together in so
-called research chains. More time should be spent in any project on d
efining the most efficient research chain in close interaction with st
akeholders, comparing relatively simple (and inexpensive) procedures u
sing expert knowledge with more complicated land expensive) ones that
mag include basic research using sophisticated methodology. Research c
hains are illustrated for cage studies on soil acidification and preci
sion agriculture, while chains are described for organic farming, Basi
c research is defined differently and more effectively when it is part
of a research chain, as compared with independent formulation. Inform
ation technology plays an increasingly important role in the evolving
interactive research paradigm where the former linear research model i
s replaced by the hourglass model, which requires an interdisciplinary
research approach and defines basic research on issues where existing
knowledge is clearly inadequate. Application of simulation modeling a
nd geostatistics allows expression in terms of risks that threshold va
lues of sustainability indicators are exceeded. Regulators have the pr
ime responsibility to decide which risks are acceptable, Researchers o
ffer options rather than judgements. In addition to realizing research
chains including basic research, independent funding for basic resear
ch in promising future areas of work is necessary as well.