Many researchers have reported on individual plant responses to O-3, h
ut few have investigated the effects of this pollutant on ecosystem fu
nction. Our investigation examined the influence of O-3 on shortterm (
Phase I) litter decomposition of blackberry (Rubus cuneifolus Pursh,)
and broomsedge bluestem (Andropogon virginicus L.), two plant species
native to early successional forest communities in the southern USA. M
ixed blackberry/broomsedge litter (1:1) collected from plants exposed
to different levels of O-3 for one growing season was placed in open-t
op chambers and exposed to different O-3 levels of treatments for 24 w
k. Litter also was incubated in microcosms in the laboratory at 25 or
30 degrees C to determine the effects of climate change on O-3-treated
litter. Initial C and N concentrations of the collected foliage did n
ot differ significantly among treatments for either species. Blackberr
y litter had approximately twice as much N as broomsedge, and when col
lected from 2X O-3 chambers, had significantly greater permanganate li
gnin than the other treatments. Initial permanganate lignin concentrat
ion of blackberry, over all O-3 treatments, correlated significantly w
ith remaining mass of the litter mixture after 24 wk exposure. Litter
decomposed more slowly in the 2X chambers than in the other treatment
chambers, regardless of litter source. Elevated Os-exposed litter (2X)
decomposed the slowest regardless of treatment applied. There were si
gnificant temperature and time effects observed with litter decomposit
ion; litter incubated at 30 degrees C decomposed faster than at 25 deg
rees C. Our data suggest O-3 may influence substrate quality and micro
bial activity, thus reducing the rate of litter decomposition in early
successional forest communities.