Chromosome microdissection combined with polymerase chain reaction (PC
R) and reverse chromosome painting ('micro-FISH') is a powerful techni
que for the unequivocal identification of complex or subtle chromosoma
l aberrations. We have applied this technique to the prenatal diagnosi
s of three fetuses with lie novo marker chromosomes. One small supernu
merary satellited marker chromosome was shown to have originated from
the fusion of the centromeric heterochromatin of one or both of chromo
somes 14 and 22. The second marker was identified as i(9)(p10) while t
he third marker chromosome was shown to have been derived from the 1p1
3.1-1q21.3 region. At birth, the clinical outcome correlated well with
that expected from the prenatal cytogenetic findings. Our study highl
ights the importance of the application of 'micro-FISH' to prenatal di