This paper describes the final phase of a research project aimed at in
vestigating the efficacy of using two distinct methods of knowledge el
icitation, comparing the knowledge obtained via classification or scal
ing techniques with that derived from the more traditional interview b
ased approaches. It outlines the process of evaluating the knowledge e
licited from an expert via a prototype specifically created for this p
urpose, the design of which was based directly on the findings of prev
ious rapid prototyping approaches. The prototype was modelled to facil
itate the evaluation of elicited knowledge along a numerical scale acc
ording to predetermined criteria. The use of the prototype resulted in
the knowledge elicited via scaling methods receiving higher ratings t
han that obtained via non-scaling methods on the criteria of 'correctn
ess' and 'relevance', although no significant difference was found bet
ween the two sets of data on the criterion of 'suitable for a knowledg
e based system'.