Our objective was to synthesize individual components of reproductive
ecology into a single estimate of productivity and to assess die relat
ive effects of survival and productivity: on population dynamics. We u
sed information on nesting ecology, renesting potential, and duckling
survival of northern pintails (Anas aouta) collected on the Yukon-Kusk
okwim Delta (Y-K Delta), Alaska, 1991-95, to model the number of duckl
ings produced under a range of nest success and duckling survival prob
abilities. Using average values of 25% nest success, 11% duckling surv
ival, and 56% renesting probability from our study population, we calc
ulated that all young in our population were produced by 13% of the br
eeding females, and that early-nesting females produced more young tha
n later-nesting females. Further, we calculated, on average, that each
female produced only 0.16 young females/nesting season. We combined t
hese results with estimates of first-year and adult survival to examin
e the growth rate (lambda) of the population and the relative contribu
tions of these demographic parameters to that growth rate. Contrary to
aerial survey data, the population projection model suggests our stud
y population is declining rapidly (lambda = 0.6969). The relative effe
cts ori population growth rate were 0.1175 for reproductive success, 0
.117.5 for first-year survival, and 0.8825 for adult survival. Adult s
urvival had the greatest influence on lambda for our population, and t
his conclusion was robust over a range of survival and productivity es
timates. Given published estimates of annual survival for adult female
s (61%), our model suggested nest success and duckling survival need t
o increase to approximately.40% to achieve population stability. We di
scuss reasons for the apparent discrepancy in population trends betwee
n our model and aerial surveys in terms of bias in productivity and su
rvival estimates.