Since Alexander Bickel, scholars have understood the Supreme Court to
have a threefold power; striking down acts for unconstitutionality, le
gitimating them, or employing the passive virtues. Professor Katyal co
ntends that the Court wields a fourth power: advicegiving. Advicegivin
g occurs when judges recommend, but do not mandate, a particular cours
e of action based on a concern for rule or principle. Courts have been
giving advice, consciously at times, unconsciously at others, and thi
s article seeks to provide a normative justification for the practice.
Professor Katyal breaks down advicegiving into several categories and
explains how advice, when given to the political branches, can engend
er a colloquy that maximizes respect for the coordinate branches while
also sewing the goals of federalism, enhancing political accountabili
ty, and encouraging judicial candor. In particular, Professor Katyal e
xplains how advicegiving can become an alternative to aggressive forms
of judicial review while simultaneously maintaining constitutional fi