Rs. Shames et al., CLINICAL DIFFERENCES AMONG WOMEN WITH AND WITHOUT SELF-REPORTED PERIMENSTRUAL ASTHMA, Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology, 81(1), 1998, pp. 65-72
Background: Studies suggesting that 30% to 40% of asthmatic women repo
rt significant perimenstrual (late luteal phase) exacerbations of asth
ma are primarily retrospective, rely on subjective findings and do not
demonstrate a consistent association between asthma and the menstrual
cycle. Objective: In this exploratory analysis, women with and withou
t self-reported perimenstrual exacerbations of asthma (PMA) were exami
ned prospectively to determine the association between asthma and the
menstrual cycle and to characterize associated clinical factors. Metho
ds: Thirty-two adult asthmatic women with regular menstrual periods re
corded daily asthma symptoms, medication use, and peak expiratory flow
rate (PEFR) over six consecutive menstrual cycles, and underwent spir
ometry and methacholine bronchoprovocation during the luteal and folli
cular phases of 2 cycles. Results: Nine of 32 subjects (28.2%) reporte
d PMA. Daily means of rescue medication use and AM peak flow computed
for each perimenstrual day demonstrated significant non-parallelism of
group profiles; subjects with PMA had increasing inhaled short acting
beta 2-agonist use and decreasing AM peak flow rates during the perim
enstrual interval, Luteal-follicular phase differences in FEV, or meth
acholine bronchoprovocation between the groups were not detected. Subj
ects with PMA were older (P =.007), had longer duration of asthma (P =
.039), and increased baseline asthma severity (P =.076) compared with
subjects without PMA. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest t
hat women with self-reported perimenstrual asthma demonstrate perimens
trual differences in rescue bronchodilator use and AM peak flow and ap
pear to constitute a distinct subset of women with asthma who are olde
r, have longer duration of asthma, and increased severity of asthma co
mpared with women without self-reported perimenstrual asthma. These fa
ctors identify women who require close monitoring of their asthma duri
ng their menstrual cycles.