A. Esposito et V. Palmieri, RADIATION-HARD HYBRID SUPERCONDUCTING PIXEL DETECTOR, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 409(1-3), 1998, pp. 198-200
Recently, a new position-sensitive cryogenic detector for out-of-magne
tic-held high-energy particle tracking has been proposed. This consist
s of a semiconductive substrate to transduce the energy of particles i
n charge and of a current-driven Josephson-Tunnel Junction-based sampl
e and hold circuit. The main interest in such a device consists in the
extreme radiation hardness of the Josephson readout circuitry. Moreov
er, these circuits offer unique performances in terms of speed and pow
er dissipation. Using radiation-hard semiconductive transducers the en
tire detector is expected to safely survive a dose of one Gigarad. (C)
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