Mjm. Vansambeek et al., A RECOIL DETECTOR FOR THE INTERNAL TARGET FACILITY OF AMPS (NIKHEF), Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 409(1-3), 1998, pp. 443-446
A recoil detector has been built for internal target experiments with
the Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher and storage ring, AmPS, of NIKHEF. The d
etector was designed to detect low-energy (1-20 MeV/nucleon) and low-m
ass (A less than or equal to 4) recoiling nuclei emerging from electro
n-induced reactions. The detector consists of a low-pressure, two-step
avalanche chamber, two layers of silicon strip detectors of 100 and 4
75 mu m thickness and a scintillator. The signals from the separate de
tector elements are processed by custom-made analog electronics and de
dicated VME-based digitizer modules. The detector was operated success
fully at the AmPS electron scattering facility with a gaseous He targe
t of 10(15) atoms/cm(2) internal to the storage ring and beam currents
up to 200 mA of 660 MeV electrons. Unambiguous particle separation wa
s achieved. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.