Sound scattering by random volume inhomogeneities (refractive index fl
uctuations) in the ocean is considered in the approximation of the sma
ll perturbation method. The inhomogeneities ale assumed to be highly a
nisotropic, namely, small-scale in depth and large-scale in the horizo
ntal plane, which is specific to an oceanic medium. The large-scale in
homogeneities are fractals with the dimension D = 1.5. The scattering
of sound by fractals results in attenuation described by the frequency
dependence beta similar to f(3/2). It was found that the fractal dime
nsion of the inhomogeneities coincides with the exponent in the freque
ncy dependence of the attenuation coefficient, which is specific to un
ordered fractal media; the fractal dimension of fractal inhomogeneitie
s in the ocean is close to that of clouds in the atmosphere (1.35 < D
< 1.41). Thus, it is concluded that, in the first approximation, the l
arge-scale inhomogeneities in the ocean are fractals. However, after a
more detailed consideration, oceanic inhomogeneities, as well as clou
ds in the atmosphere, may prove to be multifractals with an inherent s
pectrum of fractal dimensions close to D = 1.5. The fractal origin of
low-frequency sound attenuation in an oceanic underwater channel can b
e regarded as an established fact.