One- and two-coordinate detectors with proportional chambers developed
at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) are presented. The
parallax-free 10 MHz one-coordinate OD-3.1 and OD-3.2 detectors are us
ed in synchrotron radiation powder diffraction and SAXS experiments. T
he two-coordinate DED-3 detector with a multiwire proportional chamber
(MWPC) is used in Laue diffraction. The latest modification of this d
etector, DED-5, with a working area of 384 x 384 mm, is briefly descri
bed. The micro-strip detector prototype MSGC-100 has passed test synch
rotron radiation experiments and the next modification (MSGC-500), wit
h 500 channels for high energy, is under construction. The one-coordin
ate MWPC OD-160 detector, with an angle aperture of 160 degrees and a
count rate of 3.3 GHz, is under construction. It will be used for high
-resolution powder diffraction. Two types of gas chamber will be used:
L for low energies (5-30 keV) and H for high energies (30-70 keV). A
16 degrees section with an H-chamber has been produced and tested on t
he synchrotron radiation beamline.