An ultrahigh-vacuum environmental chamber for surface X-ray diffractio
n on Station 9.4 at the Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Labora
tory, is described. Film growth can be monitored by simultaneously rec
ording the Auger signal and the X-ray intensity at a particular point
in reciprocal space. Such in situ measurements are essential for under
standing the dynamic processes that occur during adsorption. An exampl
e is given in which the specularly reflected X-ray signal is correlate
d with Auger plots, during growth of TI on Cu(001). In addition, the d
iffractometer and chamber combination allow large reconstructions to b
e investigated as shown by the in-plane structural analysis of the c(4
x4) InSb surface. A study of the layer structure of Cr on Ag(001), in
which an extended out-of-plane detector assembly was used, is also pre