Although it is frequently hypothesized that psychosocial factors influ
ence the development of coronary heart disease and the underlying athe
rosclerosis, evidence directly supporting this hypothesis or identifyi
ng the mediating mechanisms has been sparse at best. The present artic
le reviews research designed to elucidate the role of behavior in the
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (and thus coronary heart disease). Par
ticular emphasis is placed on experimental evidence linking atheroscle
rosis to both behavior and sympathoadrenal activation in cynomolgus ma
caques (Macaca fascicularis). In males of this monkey species, behavio
ral dominance and aggression interact with social instability to promo
te the development of diet-induced atherosclerosis. Beta-adrenorecepto
r blockade prevents this behavioral exacerbation of atherosclerosis, s
uggesting a mechanism of sympathetic origin. Furthermore, independentl
y of social rank or environmental perturbation, animals exhibiting a h
eightened cardiac responsivity to stress are excessively aggressive an
d also develop the most extensive coronary lesions. Taken together, th
ese experimental data strongly implicate aggressiveness and sympatheti
c arousal, occurring as a result of either inherent hypersensitivity o
r environmental stimulation, in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. A
dditional data suggest that a specific neurotransmitter complex-the se
rotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine) system-modulates factors associated w
ith the expression of social dominance and exaggerated heart rate reac
tivity, perhaps thereby explaining a portion of variable susceptibilit
y to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss,