Objectives. To investigate the mechanical strength of various pubic sy
mphysis suture material in a simulated animal model of neonatal bladde
r exstrophy. Methods. Neonatal lamb pelves, which are the approximate
size of neonatal human pelves, were used. Twenty-four neonatal lamb pe
lves were divided into four equal groups. A midline symphysotomy was m
ade through the cartilaginous pubic symphysis in three groups and repa
ired using two figure-of-eight sutures (size 0) placed through the car
tilaginous pubis using polypropylene, braided polyester, or polyglacti
n. The fourth group served as the control. The pelves were then tested
to ultimate load in pure tension at a strain rate of 0.25 mm/s until
failure. Results. There was a highly significant difference between th
e intact specimens and the repaired specimens (P = 0.0008). For the re
paired specimens, there was a significant difference in the ultimate l
oad normalized by pubic height between those repaired with polypropyle
ne and polyglactin (P = 0.025), but not for those repaired with polypr
opylene and braided polyester (P = 0.11) or braided polyester and poly
glactin (P = 0.11). Conclusions. Braided resorbable sutures are recomm
ended for pubic symphysis repair, because they have a lower tendency t
o cut out of the cartilage. UROLOGY 52: 336-340, 1998. (C) 1998, Elsev
ier Science Inc. All rights reserved.