BACKGROUND. There are three main types of nail malalignment. These are
: congenital nail malalignment of the big toenail, traumatic nail mala
lignment, and iatrogenic malalignment of the Mail plate. OBJECTIVE. Tr
eatment is only of benefit in the first two conditions, and the specif
ic surgical approach to each condition is outlined. The probable mecha
nism of iatrogenic malalignment is discussed. RESULT. Nail rotation fo
r congenital malalignment produces its best results in early childhood
. CONCLUSION. Surgery is of benefit in congenital malalignment and tra
umatic malalignment and is worthwhile in selected cases. latrogenic ma
lalignment that is the consequence of wide lateral nail biopsies or si
milar excisions does not respond to treatment. (C) 1998 by the America
n Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.