For the European spallation source, a volume source based on the high
efficiency source is being developed. The source will be optimized to
produce high current densities in pulsed operation. A pulse generator
delivering 1-1.5 ms pulses was installed. Furthermore, cesium was supp
lied to the plasma generator from an external oven. The cesium injecti
on was optimized for a low e/H- ratio and a high current. We obtained
a current density of 70 mA/cm(2). This way, with an aperture radius of
4.25 mm, an H- current of 40 mA was extracted at an extraction voltag
e of 22 kV. After a description of the source and the experimental set
up, measurements of the beam current density and the e/H- ratio will b
e presented in this article. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.