Reviewed are the current surgical methods for the treatment of mechani
cal complications after an acute myocardial infarction, specially the
subacute ventricular rupture, the most frecuent complication, and in w
hich we have the greatest experience in the world. Mechanical complica
tions constitute the second cause of death after myocardial infarction
, following pump failure. The most frequent mechanical complication is
ventricular rupture, which is the cause of death in 26% of the cases
of acute myocardial infarction. The setting of solid diagnostic tools,
with the association of echocardiographic and hemodynamic criteria, h
as permited the identification of a large number of patients with suba
cute ventricular rupture before death, and has allowed them to be trea
ted surgically. The surgical techniques have evolved to more conservat
ive methods and, nowadays, nearly all the patients can be operated on
without extracorporeal circulation and using sutureless techniques. Th
e result is greater surgical survival with satisfactory functional sta
tus at follow up. The incidence of septal and papillary muscle rupture
is considerably less frequent, but of great interest. The surgical re
sults have been improved on the basis of early diagnosis, aggressive s
urgical attitude, and better reparative and myocardial protection tech