Electric Utility SCADA systems must be highly reliable given the poten
tial for the SCADA system to directly contribute to load curtailment.
This paper presents an analysis of SCADA system reliability in terms o
f its expected, aggregate contribution to load curtailment on the powe
r system. Expressing this aggregate in system minutes and applying an
appropriate damage cost function then provides an annual cost measure
of SCADA system reliability worth. A composite generation and transmis
sion system reliability evaluation technique is used to perform the nu
merical analysis of the joint SCADA and Power system model. This perfo
rms a Monte-Carlo simulation and includes an optimal power flow for en
umerating grid load curtailment states and analysis of SCADA system co
mponent connectivity to determine availability of SCADA control. The a
pplication of this analysis is illustrated in a comparison of two alte
rnative SCADA architectures. Trans Power has adopted a subtransmission
SCADA architecture which utilises terminals operating off its nationa
l SCADA system. These terminals have replaced separate systems located
in each area, The objective of the evaluation being to quantify the i
ncreased exposure to financial losses due to joint load curtailment.