Multistage stochastic programming - in contrast to stochastic control
- has found wide application in the formulation and solution of financ
ial problems characterized by a large number of state variables and a
generally low number of possible decision stages. The literature on th
e use of multistage recourse modelling to formalize complex portfolio
optimization problems dates back to the early seventies, when the tech
nique was first adopted to solve a fixed income security portfolio pro
blem. We present here the CALM model, which has been designed to deal
with uncertainty affecting both assets (in either the portfolio or the
market) and liabilities (in the form of scenario dependent payments o
r borrowing costs). We consider as an instance a pension fund problem
in which portfolio rebalancing is allowed over a long-term horizon at
discrete time points and where liabilities refer to five different cla
sses of pension contracts. The portfolio manager, given an initial wea
lth, seeks the maximization of terminal wealth at the horizon, with in
vestment returns modelled as discrete state random vectors. Decision v
ectors represent possible investments in the market and holding or sel
ling assets in the portfolio, as well as borrowing decisions from a cr
edit line or deposits with a bank. Computational results are presented
for a set of IO-stage portfolio problems using different solution met
hods and libraries (OSL, CPLEX, OBI). The portfolio problem, with an u
nderlying vector data process which allows up to 2688 realizations at
the 10-year horizon, is solved on an IBM RS6000/590 for a set of twent
y-four large-scale test problems using the simplex and barrier methods
provided by CPLEX (the latter for either linear or quadratic objectiv
e), the predictor/corrector interior point method provided in OBI, the
simplex method of OSL, the MSLiP-OSL code instantiating nested Bender
s decomposition with subproblem solution using OSL simplex, and the cu
rrent version of MSLiP.