Temperatures during prescribed spring burns were monitored for selecte
d mixed prairie plant communities near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In fes
cue, spear grass, and brome communities the fires peaked quickly at an
average maximum temperature of approximately 500 degrees C, then reve
rted to ambient conditions within about 1 minute. The highest temperat
ures were recorded 10 cm aboveground. A temperature of 60 degrees C wa
s considered the upper tolerance limit for plant tissue; such conditio
ns persisted for approximately 1 minute within the grass stands. Simil
ar temperatures were observed in a stand of Silverberry. Temperatures
above 800 degrees C were recorded in snowberry and aspen and a more pr
otracted cooling phase was noted because of the coarser woody fuel. In
all grass and shrub stands there was little change in temperature in
the mineral soil at a depth of 5 cm. However, in the aspen grove avera
ge temperatures at this depth increased to about 450 degrees C because
the thermocouple was embedded in the thick litter layer.