Aims. To examine the uptake and course of smoking in a representative
adolescent cohort. Design. Six-wave cohort study. Participants. Second
ary school students initially aged 14-15 years at 44 schools in the st
ate of Victoria, Australia. Measurements. Computerized questionnaire i
ncluding 7-day retrospective recall for tobacco use. Findings. Prevale
nce rates for smoking in the past month rose from 25% to 31% and daily
smoking 9% to 18% across the 3-year follow-up. Forty-five per cent of
the sample smoked at some point but only 18% were daily smokers at th
e end-point. High rates of short-term cessation were observed for both
experimental and daily smokers, but 70% of daily smokers relapsed wit
hin 12 months. Occasional smoking at the outset was the strongest pred
ictor of later daily smoking and was also predictive of lower cessatio
n and higher relapse rates. Parental divorce and parental daily smokin
g were associated with smoking at the outset and parental smoking was
strongly predictive of the course of daily smoking. In contrast, preva
lence rates of smoking in a subject's school did not significantly pre
dict either smoking initiation or subsequent course. Female daily smok
ers were half as likely as males to cease smoking, a finding that acco
unted for gender differences in smoking prevalence in this sample. Con
clusions. The strength of association between occasional and later dai
ly smoking indicates the importance of primary prevention but the vari
ability in the early course indicates that there should be much scope
for promotion of adolescent efforts to quit. Both the diminished likel
ihood of smoking cessation in young women and parental influences on s
moking course deserve further exploration.