Resin cements are sometimes recommended to enhance the retention of po
sts in endodontically treated teeth. Many sealer cements used in endod
ontics contain eugenol, however, which has been shown to inhibit the p
olymerization of resins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
effects of a eugenol and a noneugenol sealer cement on the retention
of posts. Sixty extracted canines were divided equally into four group
s, Each tooth received conventional endodontic therapy and was prepare
d to receive a post. Two sealer cements were used in obturation: one c
ontained eugenol and one was eugenol-free, The posts were cemented wit
h either zinc phosphate cement or resin cement, Each combination of se
aler and post cement was tested for retention on an Instron testing ma
chine. The type of sealer used had no effect on post retention with ei
ther cement. Post retention was significantly greater with the zinc ph
osphate cement than the resin cement.