Background, Epidemiological data are fundamental to ade quately plan t
he activity of a liver transplantation centre. Aim. To evaluate the ra
tio between need and supply of liver grafts in Tuscany and to develop
a regional strategy aimed at increasing donor recruitment. Methods. Th
e need for liver grafts was estimated on the basis of an epidemiologic
al study: 19 Medical Units were requested to fill in a questionnaire i
nquiring into all Tuscan patients evaluated for liver disease during t
hree different periods of one month each in 1996. The information coll
ected was matched with the selection criteria currently employed at ou
r centre and the patients were classified into the following four cate
gories: I. current transplantation candidates; 2. future transplantati
on candidates; 3. candidates not suitable on account of age; 4. candid
ates not suitable on account of exclusion criteria. The number of live
r donors was obtained from the donor registry. Results, Questionnaires
were returned for a total of 452 patients: 27(5.97%) were classified
as current transplantation candidates, 62 (13.72%) as future transplan
tation candidates and 19 (4.20%) as candidates not suitable on account
of age. The annual incidence and prevalence of transplantation candid
ates were 14.7 and 30.6 cases per million inhabitants, respectively. I
f age (greater than or equal to 61 years) was not considered in the ex
clusion criteria, the annual prevalence of transplantation candidates
reached 52.1 cases per million inhabitants. During the same period the
re were 44 organ donors (12.2 donors per million inhabitants) of whom
33 were suitable for liver donation (9.3 liver donors per million inha
bitants). To reduce this discrepancy a new programme for organ recruit
ment, based upon the Spanish model, has been recently employed. Conclu
sions, The annual need for liver grafts in Tuscany largely exceeds the
number of donors currently available. It is hoped that the new region
al programme for organ recruitment will improve these figures.