Chromosome numbers of eight agamospermous Taraxacum microspecies are r
eported for the first time: T. hypanicum TZVEL. [sect. Dioszegia (HEUF
F.) HEUFF.], T. neosivaschicum TZVEL. [sect. Palustria (LINDB. fil.) D
AHLST.], T. pseudohoppeanum KIRSHNER et STEPANEK (sect. Erythrocarpa D
AHLST.), T. schroeterianum H.-M. (sect. Rhodocarpa VAN SOEST), T. marm
ottae C.E. SONCK, T. lambinonii VAN SOEST [sect. Erythrosperma (LINDB.
fil.) DAHLST.], T. zermattense DAHLST. and T. magnoobliquum VAN SOEST
(taxa of uncertain classification). All these polyploid microspecies
have satellite chromosomes in their karyotypes. Advanced karyological
characters were found in sect. Dioszegia, hitherto regarded as a primi
tive section of Taraxacum: triploidy in agamospermous T. hypanicum TZV
EL. and satellite chromosomes as in this taxon, as in two diploid sexu
als T. serotinum (W. et K.) POIRET and T. haussknechtii UECHTR. The re
sults presented are compared to the literature data.