Reporter gene analysis of the Hoxc-9 genomic region in transgenic mice
allowed us to identify a positional enhancer in the Hoxc-9 intron tha
t drives expression in the posterior neural tube of midgestation mouse
embryos in a Hoxc-9-related manner. Sequence comparison to the chicke
n Choxc-9 intron revealed the existence of two highly conserved sequen
ce elements (CSEs) in a similar spatial arrangement. These structural
similarities in the mammalian and avian lineage are mirrored by conser
ved function of the chicken Choxc-9 intron in transgenic mice. Deletio
n analysis of the two introns suggests that full activity of both enha
ncers depends on cooperation between the two CSEs located close to the
respective 5' and 3' splice sites. Following the paradigm of phylogen
etically conserved developmental control mechanisms, the Hoxc-9 intrag
enic enhancer was tested in Drosophila. Our data show that the mouse H
oxc-9 enhancer acts in a conserved fashion in transgenic flies, confer
ring posteriorly restricted reporter gene expression to the developing
central nervous system in third instar larvae. This finding indicates
that the Hoxc-9 intragenic enhancer is involved in transcriptional re
gulatory circuits conserved between vertebrates and arthropods. (C) 19
98 Wiley-Liss,Inc.