Sj. Lin et al., WHOLE-CELL IMMUNOLOCALIZATION OF NITROGENASE IN MARINE DIAZOTROPHIC CYANOBACTERIA, TRICHODESMIUM SPP, Applied and environmental microbiology, 64(8), 1998, pp. 3052-3058
The mechanism by which planktonic marine cyanobacteria of the genus Tr
ichodesmium fix N-2 aerobically during photosynthesis without heterocy
sts is unknown. As an aid in understanding how these species protect n
itrogenase, we have developed an immunofluorescence technique coupled
to light microscopy (IF-LM) with which intact cyanobacteria can be imm
unolabeled and the distribution patterns of nitrogenase and other prot
eins can be described and semiquantified. Chilled ethanol was used to
fix the cells, which were subsequently made permeable to antibodies by
using dimethyl sulfoxide. Use of this technique demonstrated that abo
ut 3 to 20 cells (mean +/- standard deviation, 9 +/- 4) consecutively
arranged in a Trichodesmium trichome were labeled with the nitrogenase
antibody. The nitrogenase-containing cells were distributed more freq
uently around the center of the trichome and were rarely found at the
ends. On average 15% of over 300 randomly encountered cells examined c
ontained nitrogenase. The percentage of nitrogenase-containing cells (
nitrogenase index [NI]) in an exponential culture was higher early in
the light period than during the rest of the light-dark cycle, while t
hat for a stationary culture was somewhat constant at a lower level th
roughout the light-dark cycle. The NI was not affected by treatment of
the cultures with the photosynthetic inhibitor dichloro 1,3'-dimethyl
urea or with low concentrations of ammonium (NH4Cl). However, incubat
ion of cultures with 0.5 mu M NH4Cl over 2 days reduced the NI. The IF
technique combined with C-14 autoradiography showed that the CO2 fixa
tion rate was lower ins nitrogenase-containing cells. The results of t
he present study suggest that (i) the IF-LM technique may be a useful
tool for in situ protein localization In cyanobacteria, (ii) cell diff
erentiation occurs in Trichodesmium and only a small fraction of cells
ire a colony have the potential to fix nitrogen, (iii) the photosynth
etic activity (CO2 uptake) is reduced if not absent in N-2-fixing cell
s, and (iv) variation in the NI mag be a modulator of nitrogen-fixing