The dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) is a binaural nucle
us whose neurons are excited by stimulation of the contralateral ear a
nd inhibited by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear. Here we report on
several features of the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition in 95 DNLL neu
rons of the mustache bat. These features include its dependence on int
ensity, its tuning and the types of stimuli that are capable of evokin
g it. Inhibition was studied by evoking discharges with the iontophore
tic application of glutamate, and then evaluating the strength and dur
ation of the inhibition of the glutamate evoked background activity pr
oduced by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear. Excitatory responses wer
e evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear with best frequency (
BF) tone bursts. Glutamate evoked discharges could be inhibited in all
DNLL neurons and the inhibition often persisted for periods ranging f
rom 10 to 50 ms beyond the duration of the tone burst that evoked it.
The duration of the persistent inhibition increased with stimulus inte
nsity. Stimulus duration had little influence on the duration of the p
ersistent inhibition. Signals as short as 2 ms suppressed discharges f
or as long as 30 ms after the signal had ended. The frequency tuning o
f the total period of inhibition and the period of persistent inhibiti
on were both closely matched to the tuning evoked by stimulation of th
e contralateral ear. Moreover, the effectiveness of complex signals fo
r evoking persistent inhibition, such as brief FM sweeps and sinusoida
lly amplitude and frequency modulated signals, was comparable to that
of tone bursts at the neuron's excitatory BF, so long as the complex s
ignal contained frequencies at or around the neuron's excitatory BF. W
e also challenged DNLL cells with binaural paradigms. In one experimen
t, we presented a relatively long (40 ms) BF tone burst of fixed inten
sity to the contralateral ear, which evoked a sustained discharge, and
a shorter, 10 ms signal of variable intensity to the ipsilateral ear.
As the intensity of the 10 ms ipsilateral signal increased, it genera
ted progressively longer periods of persistent inhibition and thus the
discharges were suppressed for periods far longer than the 10 ms dura
tion of the ipsilateral signal. With interaural time disparities, ipsi
lateral signals that led contralateral signals evoked a persistent inh
ibition that suppressed the responses to the trailing contralateral si
gnals for periods of a least 15 ms. This suggests that an initial bina
ural sound that favors the ipsilateral ear should suppress the respons
es to trailing sounds that normally would be excitatory if they were p
resented alone. We hypothesize a circuit that generates the persistent
inhibition and discuss how the results with binaural signals support
that hypothesis. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.