The deformation and toughness of amorphous glassy polymers is discusse
d in terms of both the molecular network structure and the microscopic
structure at length scales of 50-300 nm. Two model systems were used:
polystyrene-poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether) blends (PS-PPE; wh
ere PS possesses a low entanglement density and PPE a relatively high
entanglement density) and epoxides based on diglycidyl ether of bisphe
nol A (DGEBA) with crosslink densities comparable with up to values mu
ch higher than the thermoplastic model system. The microscopic structu
re was controlled by the addition of different amounts of non-adhering
core-shell-rubber particles. Toughness is mainly determined by the ma
ximum macroscopic draw ratio since the yield stress of most polymers a
pproximately is identical (50-80 MPa). It is shown that the theoretica
l maximum draw ratio, derived from the maximum (entanglement or crossl
ink) network deformation, is obtained macroscopically when the charact
eristic length scale of the microstructure of the material is below a
certain dimension; i.e. the critical matrix ligament thickness between
added non-adhering rubbery particles ('holes'). The value of the crit
ical matrix ligament thickness (ID(c)) uniquely depends on the molecul
ar structure: at an increasing network density, ID(c) increases indepe
ndent of the nature of the network structure (entanglements or crossli
nks). A simple model is presented based on an energy criterion to acco
unt for the phenomenon of a critical ligament thickness and to describ
e its strain-rate and temperature dependency.