PURPOSE. To compare the mRNA expression of growth factor receptors in
cultured human trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells with ex vivo HTM tissue
s and to determine whether HTM cells generate a physiologic response a
fter exposure to exogenous growth factors. METHODS. The reverse transc
ription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method was used to detect t
he expression of various growth factor receptor mRNAs using early pass
aged, cultured HTM cells from donors of several ages. RT-PCR on ex viv
o HTM tissues from healthy donors and donors with glaucoma were also u
sed to compare and contrast mRNA expression with cell culture results.
After the exogenous administration of growth factors, cell proliferat
ion and extracellular acidification rate studies were used to measure
the functional responses of HTM cells to growth factors. RESULTS. Ampl
ification products of the expected size for 15 growth factor receptors
were detected in cultured HTM cells and in ex vivo HTM tissues. The a
dministration of exogenous growth factors showed that (a) hepatocyte g
rowth factor (HGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulinlike growth
factor (IGF)-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, platelet-derived gr
owth factor (PDGF)-AA, PDGF-BB, PDGF-AB, and basic fibroblast growth f
actor (FGF-2) stimulated cell proliferation, whereas FGF-1 (acidic), t
ransforming growth factor (TGF) alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 alpha, nerve
growth factor (NGF), and FGF-7 (keratinocyte growth factor [KGF]) had
no significant influence on cell proliferation; (b) TGF-beta isoforms
significantly inhibited EGF-stimulated trabecular meshwork cell proli
feration; and (c) FGF-1 (acidic), TGF alpha, EGF, IL-1 alpha, IL-1 bet
a, HGF, TNF-alpha, PDGF-AA, and IGF-1 significantly stimulated extrace
llular acidification, whereas FGF-2 (basic), FGF-7 (KGF), TGF-beta(1)-
beta(3), and NGF had no significant influence on extracellular acidifi
cation. CONCLUSIONS. These studies show that mRNA for numerous growth
factor receptors can be detected in cultured HTM cells and in ex vivo
HTM tissues. They also show that many of the receptors are functional,
because exogenous growth factor administration elicits a physiologic
response. In vivo, these receptors may be activated by growth factors
present within the aqueous humor (aquecrine/paracrine) or by growth fa
ctors synthesized and released locally by trabecular meshwork cells th
emselves (autocrine). Specific growth factors acting through high-affi
nity receptors may be involved in maintaining the normal microenvironm
ent of the HTM and also may be involved in the pathogenesis of primary
open-angle glaucoma.