Objective: Multivariate statistical methods were used to identify pati
ent-related variables that predicted length of stay in a single psychi
atric facility. The study investigated whether these variables remaine
d stable over time and could be used to provide individual physicians
with data on length of stay adjusted for differences in clinical casel
oads and to detect trends in the physicians' practice patterns. Method
s: Data on all patients discharged over two six-month periods were col
lected at an acute psychiatric inpatient facility. Stepwise multiple r
egression analyses were conducted on the two datasets. Results: The re
sults from both analyses revealed that five variables significantly pr
edicted length of stay and were stable over time. They were a primary
diagnosis of schizophrenia, the number of previous admissions, a prima
ry diagnosis of a mood disorder, age, and a secondary diagnosis of an
alcohol- or other drug-related disorder. For some physicians, the mean
length of stay of their patients differed significantly from the leng
th predicted by the regression model-generally, it was shorter Conclus
ions: The results demonstrate that patient-related predictors of lengt
h of stay in a single psychiatric hospital can be identified using rel
atively simple statistical procedures and can be consistent across a l
arge dataset and over time.