Background: The use of interferon-alpha (IFN-a) can apparently lead to
arterial and venous occlusions. This fact, together with our own obse
rvations, indicates a need to discuss the question of causality - not
least for the purpose of identifying side-effects. Case Report: In a 4
0-year-old man with chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML), who had been
treated for 21 months with recombinant IFN-ol and hydroxycarbamide, oc
clusions of the dorsalis pedis and toe arteries developed. The results
of examinations revealed no evidence of vasculitis or an embolism ori
ginating in the heart or the aorta. None of the previous investigation
s had reported any relationship between hydroxycarbamide and thrombosi
s. Conclusion: In the literature, a procoagulant activity of the IFN-a
lpha has been postulated to be the cause of arterial and venous occlus
ions, the effect of which may be potentiated by the patient's underlyi
ng malignant disease.