Neoplastic meningitis (NM) is a common problem in neuro-oncology, occu
rring in approximately 5% of all patients with cancer. Notwithstanding
the frequent focal signs and symptoms, NM is a disease affecting the
entire neuraxis and therefore staging and treatment need to encompass
all CSF compartments. CNS staging of NM involves the use of contrast-e
nhanced cranial computerised tomography (CE-CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MR-Gd), contrast-enhanced spine magnetic resonance imaging (M
R-S) or computerised tomographic myelography (CT-M) and radionuclide C
SF flow study (FS). The main approaches to the treatment of NM are inv
olved-field radiotherapy of bulky or symptomatic disease sites and int
ra-CSF drug therapy. The inclusion of concomitant systemic therapy may
benefit patients with NM and may obviate the need for intra-CSF chemo
therapy. At present, intra-CSF drug therapy is confined to 4 chemother
apeutic agents [i.e. methotrexate, cytarabine (cytosine arabinoside),
thiotepa and interferon-alpha] administered by a variety of schedules,
either by intralumbar or intraventricular delivery. Although the trea
tment of NM is palliative, with an expected median patient survival of
2 to 6 months, it often affords stabilisation and protection from fur
ther neurological deterioration.