In this article, Sandra Del Valle examines the struggle for bilingual
education as a fight for civil rights in which lawyers and litigation
have played a large role. By specifically looking at the role of Puert
o Ricans in New York City in these struggles, she examines the fatal g
ap between two visions of bilingual education-the vision of the grassr
oots Puerto Rican community that saw bilingual education as educationa
l enrichment, and the remedial model that was ultimately adopted and a
dvanced by lawyers and other professionals in the courts. As Del Valle
argues, national policymakers, federal courts, and advocacy organizat
ions have raised the nation's consciousness on issues affecting langua
ge-minority students; however, these forces have also contributed to t
he compromised nature of bilingual education, making it especially vul
nerable to attack. Therefore, the role between these entities-that is,
education advocates, policymakers, and the courts-must be constructed
differently and take its cues from students, parents, and local grass
roots organizations.