Musculoskeletal problems are common, diasabling, and cause great suffe
ring in older adults. Rehabilitation services are frequently indicated
and can usually be offered in an outpatient setting. The role of the
physician is to make an accurate diagnosis, recognize disability, and
refer for rehabilitation services when indicated. There are many diagn
ostic tests available to assist the physician, but none is as useful a
nd practical as the office examination, including the functional histo
ry. Treatment goals with musculoskeletal conditions often are modest a
nd include reduced pain and improved function. Frequently, conditions
can flare up or persist in smoldering forms, requiring recurrent inter
actions with the rehabilitation team. The primary care physician can m
ake use of many of the following resources available to treat musculos
keletal pain and limitations: exercise, medication, physical modalitie
s, adaptive equipment, and arthritis education, including self-help an
d support groups. Used in combination, these treatments can contribute
to increased well-being. The key for the physician is knowing that th
ese options exist and being familiar with their use.