Introduction: Lipoatrophia semicircularis (LAS) represents an isolated
fatty atrophy usually located at the lower extremity. The atrophy is
circular and painless and usually resolves without therapy. The skin m
odifications occur within few days or weeks. The etiology is unknown.
Case: In the following we present a case of LAS with a segmental dysfu
nction of the third ipsilateral lumbal root of a 43-year-old women. It
was possible to provoke a referred pain into the area of atrophy by p
assive motion of the lumbal spine into the plane of resistant. Conclus
ion: LAS is rare and slightly known among orthopedists. Knowledge of t
he typical morphological modifications will lead to diagnosis. In most
of the cases further diagnostic measures are not necessary. We recomm
end a segmental investigation of the spine in the case of secured diag