While humans are very reliable (ie give highly reproducible answers) w
hen repeatedly judging the direction of a moving random-dot pattern (R
DP) we find that their accuracy (ie the direction they so reliably rep
ort) shows systematic errors, To quantify these errors, we presented a
complete set of closely spaced directions and mapped the directional
misjudgments by asking subjects to compare the perceived direction of
a moving RDP with the direction of a test line. The results show misju
dgments of up to 9 degrees, which are best accounted for by a tendency
of the subjects to overestimate the angle between the observed motion
and an internal reference direction. A control experiment in which su
bjects had to judge the spatial distance between a point and a line de
monstrates that these misjudgments are not confined to motion stimuli
but rather seem to reflect a general tendency to overestimate the dist
ance between a stimulus and a reference when they are close to each ot