The orientation of the crystal stems in diblock copolymers, where crys
tallization occurs within the cylindrical microdomains present in the
melt mesophase, is investigated via X-ray scattering on flow- aligned
specimens. A series of ethylene-b-(3-methyl-1-butene) diblocks (E/MB)
is compared with an ethylene-b-(vinylcyclohexane) diblock (E/VCH), whe
re MB is rubbery (T-g < T-room) and VCH is vitreous (T-g = 134 degrees
C) at the freezing point of the E block. All of the diblocks contain
26-28 wt % E, leading to a morphology of hexagonally-packed E cylinder
s. Crystallization in all of these materials can be confined to the cy
lindrical microdomains. Not only do the crystals align preferentially
within the semicrystalline cylinders, but this orientation varies depe
nding on the ability of chains to diffuse during the crystallization p
rocess. When chain diffusion is most rapid, alignment is observed with
the chain axis in the crystals perpendicular to the cylinder axis and
the b axis (fast growth axis) coincident with the cylinder axis. Howe
ver, when the chain mobility is limited, the crystal stems tilt with r
espect to a plane which is normal to the cylinder axis, allowing bette
r accommodation of amorphous material at the crystallite surface.