Due to its specific action on the intracavernous mechanism of erection
, sildenafil is the first oral treatment for erectile dysfunction ther
efore much more effective than earlier oral therapies. Patient accepta
nce is greatly improved with the simple oral dose one hour before sexu
al activity, avoiding commonly observed dissatisfaction with intracave
rnal injections or vacuum devices: will its efficiency be the same! Tr
eatment with nitrate derivatives for angina pectoris is the major cont
raindication. Global management for the patient and his partner, remai
ns essential for optimal efficacy of this new compound. Considering pa
tient habits and medical prescriptions in France where use of anti-anx
iety and anti-insomnia drugs is relatively high but use of vitamins an
d regenerating drugs relatively low, only the future will tell whether
use of sildenafil win remain within 'reasonable' limits. No decision
concerning reimbursement by the French Social Security health care sch
eme has been made to date. (C) 1998, Masson, Paris.