Lamb waves are extensively involved in plate structure inspection beca
use of their guided nature. However, their dispersive nature often lim
its their use in flaw detection. In this paper we show that the use of
a time-reversal mirror (TRM) allows to automatically compensate for t
he dispersive nature of Lamb waves. Experiments showing the spatial an
d temporal behavior of time-reversed Lamb waves, demonstrate the abili
ty of TRMs to self-focus and to recompress dispersive pulses. This is
demonstrated in a set of experiments in which a broadband ultrasonic l
aser source is used to simulate a point Lamb wave source and an optica
l interferometer is used to map the time reversed elastic field. We al
so show that TRM may work in pulse echo mode and allows to detect and
to focus along large 2-D plates on any flaws located in the inspected