Cecropia schreberiana Mig. (Cecropiaceae) is a common tree in the Luqu
illo Mountains of Puerto Rico because it is a pioneer that establishes
abundantly after recurrent hurricanes that damage Luquillo forests. I
n these forests C. schreberiana typically reaches about 20 m in height
and 60 cm dbh and has few branches, these bearing large, deeply Iobed
leaves. The wood is light and weak. Unlike most of its congeners, C.
schreberiana in Puerto Rico does not have symbiotic ants. It is dioeci
ous and produces wind-pollinated flowers in spikes and abundant minute
seeds broadly dispersed by birds and bats. Forest soils contain a hig
h density of its seeds, which lie dormant until canopy opening stimula
tes germination. With adequate nutrients C, schreberiana grows fast in
high light, while nondominant individuals suffer heavy mortality. An
individual of the species is thought to live 30 to 50 years. Cecropia
schreberiana is uncommon in abandoned pastures in the Luquillo Mountai
ns. It colonizes road cuts, landslides, and infrequent, large treefall
gaps. Yet these disturbances provide only a limited ''background rege
neration,'' which is not sufficient to maintain the species' observed
high abundance in Luquillo forests. However, there is widespread and a
bundant C. schreberiana regeneration after hurricane damage opens the
forest canopy. Despite high mortality among these post-hurricane colon
izers, enough survive and grow so that C. schreberiana is generally am
ong the ten most common canopy trees in the widespread ''tabonuco'' fo
rest type. Post-hurricane colonizers mature, senesce, an decline in nu
mber, but C. schreberiana remains abundant as seeds in the soil ready
to form tree cohorts after disturbance. The status of the C. schreberi
ana population indicates the developmental status of the forest as a w
hole. Moreover C. schreberiana performs a key function in the reorgani
zation of Luquillo forest ecosystems after disturbance, when its abund
ant regeneration and rapid growth capture and store nutrients. Also, i
ts colonizing saplings may facilitate succession to mature forest by e
xcluding grasses, herbs, and vines that hinder forest development. The
biology of this species both reflects and helps drive the dynamics of
forests in the Luquillo Mountains.