The influence of biotic factors on the distribution and establishment
of halophytes is being considered in this review. Physicochemical fact
ors, such as salinity and flooding, often are considered to be the det
ermining factors controlling the establishment and zonational patterns
of species in salt marsh and salt desert environments. Sharp boundari
es commonly are found between halophyte communities even though there
is a gradual change in the physicochemical environment, which indicate
s that biotic interactions may play a significant role in determining
the distribution pattern of species and the composition of zonal commu
nities. Competition is hypothesized to play a key role in determining
both the upper and lower limits of species distribution along a salini
ty gradient. Field and laboratory experiments indicate that the upper
limits of distribution of halophytes into less saline or nonsaline hab
itats is often determined by competition. There appears to be a recipr
ocal relationship between the level of salt tolerance of species and t
heir ability to compete with glycophytes in less saline habitats. Halo
phytes are not competitive in nonsaline habitats, but their competitiv
e ability increases sharply in saline habitats. Allelopathic effects h
ave been reported in salt desert habitats, but have not been reported
along salinity gradients in salt marshes. Some species of halophytes t
hat are salt accumulators have the ability to change soil chemistry. C
hemical inhibition of intolerant species occurs when high concentratio
ns of sodium are concentrated in the surface soils of salt desert plan
t communities that are dominated by salt-accumulating species. Establi
shment of less salt-tolerant species is inhibited in the vicinity of t
hese salt-accumulating species. Herbivory is reported to cause both an
increase and a decrease in plant diversity in salt marsh habitats. He
avy grazing is reported to eliminate sensitive species and produce a d
ense cover of graminoids in high marsh coastal habitats. However, in o
ther marshes, grazing produced bare patches that allowed annuals and o
ther low marsh species to invade upper marsh zonal communities. A retr
ogression in plant succession may occur in salt marshes and salt deser
ts because of heavy grazing. Intermediate levels of grazing by sheep,
cattle, and horses could produce communities with the highest species
richness and heterogeneity. Grazing by geese produced bare areas that
had soils with higher salinity and lower soil moisture than vegetated
areas, allowing only the more salt-tolerant species to persist. Remova
l of geese from areas by use of inclosures caused an increase in speci
es richness in subarctic salt marshes. Invertebrate herbivores could a
lso inhibit the survival of seeds and the ability of plants to establi
sh in marshes. Parasites could play a significant role in determining
the species composition of zonal communities, because uninfected rarer
species are able to establish in the gaps produced by the death of pa
rasitized species.