OBJECTIVES. This article summarizes the results of 153 studies publish
ed between 1977 and 1994 that evaluated the effectiveness of intervent
ions to improve patient compliance with medical regimens. METHODS. The
compliance interventions were classified by theoretical focus into ed
ucational, behavioral, and affective categories within which specific
intervention strategies were further distinguished. The compliance ind
icators broadly represent five classes of compliance-related assessmen
ts: (1) health outcomes (eg, blood pressure and hospitalization), (2)
direct indicators (eg, urine and blood tracers and weight change), (3)
indirect indicators (eg, pill count and refill records), (4) subjecti
ve report (eg, patients' or others' reports), and (5) utilization (app
ointment making and keeping and use of preventive services). An effect
size (ES) r, defined as Fisher's Z transformation of the Pearson corr
elation coefficient, representing the association between each interve
ntion (intervention versus control) and compliance measure was calcula
ted. Both an unweighted and weighted r were calculated because of larg
e sample size variation, and a combined probability across studies was
calculated. RESULTS. The interventions produced significant effects f
or all the compliance indicators (combined Z values more than 5 and le
ss than 32), with the magnitude of effects ranging from small to large
. The largest effects (unweighted) were evident for refill records and
pill counts and in blood/urine and weight change studies. Although sm
aller in magnitude, compliance effects were evident for improved healt
h outcomes and utilization. Chronic disease patients, including those
with diabetes and hypertension, as well as cancer patients and those w
ith mental health problems especially benefited from interventions. CO
NCLUSIONS. No single strategy or programmatic focus showed any clear a
dvantage compared with another. Comprehensive interventions combining
cognitive, behavioral, and affective components were more effective th
an single-focus interventions.