The ecosystems of South Florida are unique and highly valued by societ
y. Explosive population growth this century has made the Everglades on
e of our nation's most endangered ecosystems. The dominant anthropogen
ic stressor is hydrological modifications instituted to provide flood
protection for land selected for agriculture and urban development. Th
us, major redesign of the hydrologic system is essential if the Evergl
ades and associated coastal ecosystems of South Florida are to be rest
ored and sustained. Following conceptual frameworks developed for ecol
ogical risk assessment, ecological sustainability, and ecosystem manag
ement, the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Human-Dominated Systems Director
ate has conducted a project on ecosystem management in South Florida.
An extremely complex hierarchy of federal, state, and local government
al activities presently underway is directed toward a sustainable Sout
h Florida. The scientific community is playing a significant role in t
his process, but the success or failure of ecosystem management for So
uth Florida is still uncertain. If ecosystem management can result in
a sustainable South Florida, this will be a prototype for environmenta
l decision making through the next century.