Analysis of the structure of hydrophysical fields and its vertical evo
lution from the surface to a depth of 2-2.5 km was carried out on the
basis of the measurements in autumn, 1993 in the study area (31 degree
s-36 degrees N, 20 degrees-26 degrees W) in this part of the northeast
Atlantic. A description of the Mediterranean water (MW) anticyclonic
eddy which was found in the eastern part of the study area during a se
ries of sequential hydrographic surveys is presented. The analysis of
CTD and XBT measurements in the area west of the lens allows us to con
clude that despite the narrowing of the Azores current width (from 60-
80 km to 50-60 km) the total transport of the current did not signific
antly change during October and November. It is shown that the interme
diate salinity maximum in the northern part of the study area formed b
y the advection of the Mediterranean waters and destruction of the len
ses is weakened across the section of the Azores frontal zone from nor
th to south and displaced to greater depths together with the growth o
f its thickness. The analysis of the historical data shows that the nu
mber of lenses observed within the study area north of the Azores fron
tal zone is twice as large as south of the zone. The salinity and loca
l temperature maximums north of the Azores frontal zone may be related
to accumulation of heat and salt due to the fact that the frontal zon
e is not only the southern boundary of the penetration of the Mediterr
anean waters in the Central Atlantic but is also a semi-transparent bo
undary for the meddles.