Objective: This study aimed to describe the pathology of vernal kerato
conjunctivitis (VKC) in children from Kenya, Design: Case series, Part
icipants: Ten patients with clinically active and untreated limbal VKC
and five age-matched control subjects without external eye disease we
re recruited from a district eye hospital in Kenya. Main Outcome Measu
res: Paraffin sections of limbal and tarsal conjunctiva were examined
by tinctorial and immunocytochemical methods to characterize the infla
mmatory infiltrate. Results: In comparison with control subjects, pati
ents with VKC were more likely to show squamous metaplasia of the tars
al conjunctiva, The patients with VKC had cellular infiltration of bot
h the stroma and epithelium consistent with chronic inflammation, part
icularly in the biopsy specimens taken from the limbus, In tarsal conj
unctiva, the stromal infiltrate consisted of a diffuse T-lymphocyte re
action with clustering of B-lymphocytes; mast cells, immunoglobulin E
(IgE) plasma cells, and eosinophils also were prominent. Mast cells an
d eosinophils were found within the epithelium in the more severely in
flamed biopsy specimens. Conclusions: These features are similar to th
ose in reports of VKC in temperate regions, although the degree of B-l
ymphocyte clustering is greater in tropical patients with VKC, Althoug
h none of the patients had other symptoms of atopy, the authors findin
gs are consistent with those for an allergic basis for this disease.