We analyze the behavior of radiation-filled, homogeneous, and isotropi
c cosmological solutions to a generalized higher order gravity theory
which is derived from a gravitational Lagrangian that is an arbitrary
function of the scalar spacetime curvature f (R). We give necessary an
d sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of general rel
ativistic sigma=+/-1,0 FRW solutions with in this general theory. We s
how that under some general conditions any homogeneous and isotropic s
olution of general relativity is also an exact solution of the f (R) t
heory, and every radiation solution (not necessarily isotropic) in gen
eral relativity is an exact solution in higher order gravity provided
there are no nonzero constants and the Einstein term is present in the
gravitational Lagrangian of our theory. We then prove that nonflat FR
W solutions of general relativity are generically unstable and so do n
ot approach the corresponding ones in higher order gravity for large t
imes. This may be interpreted as an indication that homogeneous and is
otropic solutions of higher order gravity cannot be obtained from the
corresponding nonflat FRW solutions of general relativity via perturba
tion theory. However, we find a stable regime for flat FRW solutions o
f general relativity in higher order gravity. In particular, under fai
rly general circumstances, flat FRW solutions of general relativity ar
e stable against homogeneous and isotropic perturbations in higher ord
er gravity and always approach their corresponding ones in the general
ized theory at the large time limit. The requirements for stability of
the flat FRW solutions in higher order gravity coincide with well-kno
wn constraints for the absence of tachyons and the existence of comple
x instanton solutions in the theory, and are exactly those needed to p
roduce bouncing, regular solutions on approach to the singularity.