One hundred-twelve species of lichens are reported for the first time
from Arizona. The new combination Lecanora muralis var. brunneola (Mer
eschk.) Ryan & Nash is made, and the variety is reported as new to Nor
th America. The following 19 taxa are also reported for the first time
from North America, north of Mexico: Absconditella lignicola, Calopla
ca brouardii, Hypotrachyna dactylifera, Lecanora cavicola, L. plumosa,
L. swartzii, Mycocalicium victoriae, Pertusaria moreliensis, Placidiu
m pilosellum, Pyxine meissneriana, Rhizocarpon arctogenum, Umbilicaria
subglabra, Verrucaria obductilis, V. trabicola, Xanthoparmelia austra
lasica, X. consociata, X. isidiosa, X. neocongensis, and X. tegeta.