One criteria in the diagnosis of rheumatoid polyarthritis is the prese
nce of Rheumatoid Factors in the serum. The Waaler-Rose-Test and the L
atexfixationtest were taken from human medicine and used in canine med
icine. The latex test was slightly modified by sensibilisating the lat
ex particles with canine immunoglobuline G (IgG) instead of human IgG.
Both systems have not shown convincing results. An ELISA test with ca
nine IgG as antigen was therefore developed. The newly developed ELISA
test system for detection of IgM-Rheumatoid Factor compared to the pr
eceding two tests was less arbitrary and found a better application in
routine diagnostics. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are proteins which
are imperative in the diagnostic procedures of immune mediated disease
s nowadays. The immunofluorescence techniques can be used as an approp
riate screening test in Veterinary Medicine.