We propose a mathematical model of the process of thinking based on dy
namical systems over a configuration space of ideas. These dynamical s
ystems are assumed to be located in the human subconscious and are con
trolled by the human conscious which fixes parameters of the dynamical
systems in the subconscious and transmits to the subconscious generat
ing ideas which initiate iterations of the dynamical systems in the su
bconscious. Thus, we present the mathematical model which is not based
on the rule of reason. Mathematically the space of ideas is described
by so-called p-adic numbers. In fact, a p-adic metric on the space of
ideas corresponds to the following nearness between ideas: two ideas
x and y are close if they have sufficiently long common root. Already
the simplest p-adic dynamical systems might describe some sides of hum
an psychological and social behaviour. (C) 1998 Academic Press