A 60-year-old woman with clinical features of desquamative gingivitis
had a history of painful, blistering gingival lesions for more than 2
years. There were no other accompanying mucosal or skin lesions. Clini
cal examination revealed erythematous and edematous gingiva with ulcer
ated areas and evidence of intact and ruptured bullae. White plaquelik
e lesions were also noted. Gingival manipulation caused epithelial des
quamation. Light microscopic examination of biopsy specimens from the
perilesional gingival tissue showed separation of the oral gingival ep
ithelium and connective tissue at the margin of the collapsed bulla. A
moderately intense inflammatory infiltrate was present in the connect
ive tissue. Direct immunofluorescent microscopy revealed a continuous
linear deposition of immunoglobulin G and C3 at the basement membrane
zone. On the basis of clinical, histopathologic, and immunofluorescent
findings, the diagnosis of mucous membrane pemphigold was made.